Museum Archaeologist Downloads

The following volumes are free to download – please consider helping SMA to continue to offer this service free of charge by making a donation via PayPal using the email address [email protected] or the button below:

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The Museum Archaeologist No. 1

The Museum Archaeologist No. 2

The Museum Archaeologist No. 3

The Museum Archaeologist No. 4

The Museum Archaeologist No. 5

The Museum Archaeologist No. 6

The Museum Archaeologist No. 7

The Museum Archaeologist No. 8

The Museum Archaeologist No. 9

The Museum Archaeologist No. 10

Museum Archaeologists News No 20

Museum Archaeologists News No. 24

Vol. 11 Dust to Dust

Vol. 12 The Interpretation of Archaeological Sites and Monuments

Vol. 13 Public Service or Private Indulgence

Vol. 15 Still Begging_Fundraising for Archaeology

Vol. 16 What’s Mine is Yours_Museum Collecting Policies

Vol. 17 “Ready for the New Millenium? ” – Futures for Museum Archaeology

Vol. 18 Picking up the Pieces_ Adapting to change in museums and archaeology

Vol. 20 Taking Stock: Access to Archaeological Collections

Vol. 21 Museum Archaeology_What’s New

Vol. 22 Representing archaeology in museums

Vol. 23 Museums in the Landscape_Bridging the Gap

Vol 24. Museums for the 21st Century

Vol. 25 Significant Others: Museums & Units, Museums & Community

Vol 26. Indulgence or necessity?  Research in Museum Archaeology

Vol. 27 Public Archaeology: Remains to be seen

Vol. 28 The Art of Archaeology

Vol. 29 Past Perfect: Studies in Museum Archaeology

Vol. 30 Museum Archaeology: Policy, Practice & Theory

Vol. 31 Presenting the Past

Vol. 35 All That Glistens: will 2012 be a golden year for museum archaeology?

Selection, Retention and Dispersal of Archaeological Collections 1993

To promote the interests of archaeology in museums throughout the United Kingdom